Discover Fulfillment Through Purposeful Service
See what ministries we have available for you to serve in.
Children's & Youth Ministry | Music & Media Ministry | Hospitality & Resource Ministry

Children's Ministry
Ages 2 to 10
Our children's ministry programs are about growing kids for a grace-empowered relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe kids must be rooted in God's love, grace, and word at a young age.
Sandy Hudson and the team focus on helping children establish their identity and self-worth in Jesus.

Faith Kidz
Faith Kidz is for children ages 2 to 10. Children will be dismissed after praise and worship for their service. Children will grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through lessons, crafts, games, practical applications, and reviews.
Music & Media Ministry

Our music and media ministry department serves the congregation, online viewers, and the pastor. Our technical team provides a distraction-free atmosphere for everyone and ensures online viewers the opportunity to attend service virtually.
Praise and worship are essential parts of a church service.
In the original Greek, Praise means to sing, tell of, give, or confess. In simpler terms, it means being thankful for God's blessings and declaring that good news to God and others.
Worship is "to prostrate oneself, bow down, fall face down, pay homage and respect." The purpose of worship is to glorify, honor, praise, and magnify God. Worship is a direct conversation between you and God.

Praise & Worship Team
Our praise & worship team is filled with individuals with a lifestyle of worship and gifts in music. In addition, we want people who are excited about praising God.
Joining our praise and worship team will require weekly mid-week practice, take-home music, and weekly participation during worship.
Sound Team
Our sound team has members who have technical skills. This team is responsible for weekly soundboard operation and Sunday sermon recording.
Joining our sound team may sound perfect, but don't let a lack of knowledge stop you from serving. Soundboard training is available!

Media Team
Our media team is filled with creative and technical professionals passionate about quality production. This team runs a weekly service media program, camera operation, lighting operation, service planning, and our Live Stream.
Joining our media team requires computer skills; even with that knowledge, all members undergo training.

Hospitality & Resource Ministry
Our hospitality and resource ministry department serves the church family and our visitors. The purpose of these ministries is to provide a welcoming environment of love, acceptance, care, help, and tools for growth in their walk with the Lord.
Each ministry in our hospitality and resource department is here to encourage and help build a community for the church family.
Hospitality Team

Our hospitality team exists to help provide an atmosphere of love, acceptance, concern, and safety to our church family and guests. We want every person who comes to have a positive encounter with God without distractions.
Joining our hospitality team will enable you to serve as you would serve Jesus. We hope to help them feel like part of the family by serving and meeting people's practical needs.
Care & Connect Team

Our care and connect team will help visitors connect to the ministries available at the church. We want our visitors to experience God's love, fellowship, support, and the joy of care and connection.
Joining our care and connect team will enable you to meet our visitors, help them feel connected, and receive the ministry they need.
Ushers & Greeters Team

Our ushers and greeters are the welcoming faces everyone sees on Sunday morning. They direct the service flow, help guests find seats, hand out bulletins, receive the offering, track sign-up sheets, and help maintain a quiet environment during the sermon.
Joining our ushers and greeters team will enable you to put that smile and friendly face in front of everyone as you welcome people to the church.
Resources Team

​Our resource team is a group of organized individuals who believe in the importance of helping teaching resources get into the hands of people. They help sell books and CDs, count inventory and help with CD duplication.
Joining our resource team allows you to put your sales skills to use and helps spread the good news message with our teaching CDs and books.