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Come & Experience God's Love

God's Not Mad At You

Leave church feeling loved.

Sundays at 10:00 am

12701 E Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64146

We Welcome You As You Are

Faith Kansas City wants everyone to leave church knowing God is not mad at them. It's our desire that you come and experience God's love. 


Our Sunday service will be exciting, casual, and relaxed. You will be warmly greeted by people who are delighted to see you. As you enter the auditorium, find a seat and prepare for an uplifting worship experience and powerful message.


You may have known us as Faith Ministries Community Church. Faith Ministries has served the community for over 30 years, and we will continue to do so with a new name, Faith Kansas City. 

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Dennis and Denise Capra started Faith Kansas City over 30 years ago with the desire to see people from all walks of life come to experience God's love. The church teaches a grace-based, faith-righteousness message. Here you will build relationships, praise Jesus, learn the importance of God's love, and walk in the established truth of the finished work of Jesus Christ. 


Our Sunday service, our home uplift groups, and ministry opportunities are ways you can be part of our church family.  As we experience life together, we hope to bring you into the revelation of the Goods News Gospel and how much He loves you. We desire to see you enriched in the Word of God and walk in your God-given purpose.

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Our Christian walk is a continually growing process. Every day we get to choose what beliefs we write on our hearts. We want you to write on your heart that God loves you, and everything you need to walk in your purpose was provided at the cross by Jesus. You must continually feed your mind with what God's Word says to make your faith unshakeable. 

LIVE Stream Sundays

Can't make it to church? Join us online. 

Every Sunday at 10:00 am CST. 

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Writings By The Pastors

For the Rest of Your Life- Book By Denis

For the Rest of Your Life

For the Rest of Your Life: Living Out Your Destiny Blueprint is a look at scripture, insights into a journey of experiences revolving around God’s original intention of mankind since the beginning. 


The e-book has beautiful artwork by Polly Lunetto.

Are You a Dung Beetle- Book By the Capra
eBook & Paperback

Are You a Dung Beetle?

Are you a Dung Beetle? will help you find how to cease from a tiring life of striving and learn to enter into true peace and rest in Christ's finished work. 

Last Days Living- Book By the Capras (1)

Last Days Living

Last Days Living is a look at scripture clarifying the nature and goodness of God.


How can we respond with practical solutions? Is God judging us through these natural disasters?

The Joy of Generosity

Your tithes and donations to Faith Kansas City make a difference to our church, community, and the missionaries we support.   "You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." (2 Corinthians 9:11)

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About Us

Faith Kansas City exists on God's word and His grace and love. Join us every Sunday for praise and worship, powerful teaching, and fellowship with other believers. 


Sunday Service Location:

12701 E. Blue Ridge Blvd

Kansas City, MO 64146


(816) 965-7141


Mailing Address

PO Box 480301

Kansas City, MO 64148


Sunday Service                   10:00 am CST

Home Uplift Groups          Weekly
Faith Youth                          Sun. 6 pm

D&D Capra Ministries


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